Fighting Fatigue Doesnt Have to be a Losing Battle

Fatigue. It’s a common complaint among us all. The symptoms are usually a feeling of weariness or a lack of energy. There are many causes for fatigue. Some are illness related while others are to do with medications. If you feel unusually tired all the time or experience fatigue after taking certain medication, it’s best to consult a doctor.

But for the rest of us, the usual culprits of fatigue are down to work-related stress, insufficient sleep, poor diet and other factors such as a sedentary lifestyle. So, if you’re tired of feeling tired, here are some remedies to send your energy levels soaring back up!

Get physical

When you’re tired, the last thing you would want to do is to exercise. However, according to studies, physical activity helps to boost energy levels and has positive effects on both mind and body. That said, don’t get ahead of yourself by launching straight into a vigorous, heart-pumping workout. Start small. Go on a short 10- to 15-minute walk and build up from there. A brisk walk is also good if you’re dealing with the infamous mid-afternoon slump. That usually happens after lunchtime when you feel dozy and sluggish.

In terms of perking yourself up with exercise, ultimately, you want to progress from walking to doing moderate-intensity exercise such as cycling or jogging for at two-and-a-half hours every week.

Sleep well

Familiar with the saying ‘sleep on it’? Well, it literally rings true when it comes to fighting fatigue. Many of us don’t get enough sleep to function throughout the day, which is why we feel tired. The goal is to get at least 7 to 8 hours of undisturbed sleep every night. If you’re not hitting this amount of shut-eye, you’ll need to better manage your overall schedule for the day or set yourself a time of when to be in bed by.

For a good night’s sleep, it’s best to avoid checking your mobile, tablet or laptop before bedtime. All this screen time not only delays your sleep, but also makes it harder for your brain to unwind and your body to transition into sleep mode.

Take a supplement

Ever heard of cortisol? Also known as the stress hormone, cortisol is responsible in determining your body’s ability to cope with stress and fatigue. Understanding cortisol levels in your system is important for learning how to manage your fatigue. One way to normalise your cortisol levels is to take a supplement such as Essence of Chicken with Vitamin B Complex + Iron. Research has shown that essence of chicken can help to normalise cortisol levels. Combined with Vitamin B Complex, iron and Vitamin E, it can promote recovery from mental fatigue and improve energy production. In short, you’ll become more mentally alert and focused.

Cut out caffeine and alcohol

What you drink can contribute to tiredness. Caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea and cola drinks should be taken in moderation. Yes, caffeine is a stimulant which helps to increase alertness and energy. But the effects may be temporary. And once the caffeine wears off, your fatigue may actually worsen.

Caffeine is also diuretic, which means once it wears off, you’re likely to feel dehydrated. And not having enough fluids in your system can also contribute to your fatigue. Limit the number of caffeinated drinks you have in a day to no more than a cup. Alcohol is another no-no if you’re combating fatigue. Although a few glasses of wine in the evening can make you sleepy, you may not enjoy restful slumber and could end up feeling more tired the next day.

Drink water

As mentioned, the cause of fatigue can also be due to dehydration, which lowers alertness and concentration. How can you tell if you’re drinking enough water? One way is to examine the colour of your pee. If your urine is dark yellow, then it means you’re not taking in enough fluids. So be sure to gulp down more water. And common wisdom is to drink at least 1.5 to 2 litres of water daily.